From: Charlie Dirksen
3/17/91 Wheeler Opera House, Aspen, CO (Rvwd 5/95) This Mike's
Song is about as average as they get (for 1991). Nothing of interest occurs
at all. The usual eerie off key tooling around from Trey that, frankly,
doesn't sound that great and which must -- therefore -- be deliberate.
It ends at 6 minutes or so. H2 is standard. Weekapaug starts around the
8:20 min point or so. Mike is fast and tight in his beginning jam, as usual,
but once everyone kicks in, the jam definitely takes on a Strong Weekapaug
Feel. Unfortunately, though, this is just another Great Old Version of
Week, and no places more exciting than usual (for 1991) are visited. Good
stuff, but not amazing (for Phish). (very short version! ends around the
13 minute point, making it the shortest 'Groove reviewed to date) (D+/C-)